Banter Bites

Bracing For The Brrrrrr

For those that thought they were escaping the cold of the North to live in the South … think again.

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: We grew up on Long Island (which is an island over 100 miles long just east of New York City) and got to experience all four seasons.

So, we know all about cold weather and snow, as winter typically included multiple snowstorms, often canceling schools, with shoveling a foot or more of snow not uncommon. And whether you liked the cold weather or not, you were at least mentally prepared for it. Not to mention having appropriate clothing. After all, this was the northeast and just part of growing up, well, in the north.

As Red remembers it, Black always hated the cold. This may explain why after getting her M.B.A., Black went to work in New Orleans, and then Texas. Or, maybe that just happened because she decided to work in the oil and gas industry, but Red suspects Black would have found a way down south regardless. Red, on the other hand, always loved the cold and even dreamed of living in Vermont year-round. (Now, that's cold! Don't believe us? Ask Bernie Sanders.)

Anyway, decades later, after Red lived overseas for many years, including time in China and Hong Kong (which definitely don't get cold), she found herself in Houston. Once she realized she was staying here, she gave most of her cold weather clothing to charity, keeping only that which she'd need if she was traveling somewhere cold. She never asked Black about winter clothing, figuring since she was a life-long clothes horse probably had more than her fair share of winter clothing, even if she really didn't "need" it.

Well, fast forward to this week's unprecedented winter storm and Red was relieved she had the clothing she needed, although she chuckled to herself when she saw her UGGs …

I found the warm gloves and hat at the top of my closet in a box rarely opened, and the heavy scarves (not to be confused with the lightweight ones I wear all the time) were easy to find. My winter outwear was stashed in the back of an upstairs closet. And winter boots? Well, it may look silly, but I wear my beloved UGGS once it gets to the low 50s, not for warmth but just because they're comfortable (like bedroom slippers). So, now I was ready. To go outside? Yes. But earlier in the week, I needed all this just to try to keep warm in a house without power. In Texas. How crazy is that?!

When the news is challenging or life’s stressful, there’s something comforting about Girl Scout cookies. Always has been, which is why we’re rerunning this post from several years ago.

Girl Scouts, though, are about so much more than cookies, as year-round girls learn important life skills, gain confidence, and discover leadership skills. But buying cookies is such a sweet way (sorry, we couldn’t resist) to support the organization. Red’s favorite is the classic shortbread (now known as Trefoils), and Black buys a large assortment and gives them all away.

But hurry! Cookie season ends on March 23.

P.S. - If S’mores and Toast-Yay! are your favorites … make sure you stock up as this is the last year they’ll be available.

Let's play word association. If we say, "Girl Scouts," what's the first word that comes to mind? Ok, what's the second word?

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: When Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scout meeting – hoping to create an organization that redefined what was possible for girls everywhere – there was no way for her to know the difference it would make in the lives of millions of girls and their communities.

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Today’s turbulent times for Jews may overshadow the celebration of the Jewish New Year, one of the holiest of the Jewish holidays. Yet, ironically, we feel it should strengthen its significance, as the holiday is a time for reflection on the past and hope for the future.

If you think today’s politics are ugly … let’s talk about a man who named himself “dictator for life” of the Roman empire, and is then assassinated by a group of senators, including his best friend. (However, there’s a “pretty” part – Cleopatra was his mistress.) Food trivia and leadership lessons aside, the fact July is named after him is the perfect excuse to rerun one of Red’s favorite Banter Bites

Quick! If someone says "Julius Caesar," what comes to mind?

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: Almost everyone has heard of Julius Caesar, but how many of us really know much about him, or at least that's what Red starts to wonder when she receives the usual flippant, but still accurate, reply from her sister, after feeling very proud that she knew that July was named after the famous Roman.

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