Memory Lane

Being Creative … With Ice Cream?

Photo by Dave Phillips on Unsplash

I'm not sure where they come up with these "holidays" but today's National Creative Ice Cream Flavors Day … although I can't remember the first time I had a creative ice cream flavor. Growing up on Long Island in the 1960s, my ice cream memories are of your traditional flavors bought in non-descript half-gallon rectangle cartons (not even tubs) from the grocery store. Or, as a special treat or celebration, a coffee ice cream soda (not sure you'd consider "coffee" a "creative flavor") at Krisch's in downtown Massapequa, Long Island (it's still there!). Occasionally, I'd get an ice cream sundae at Friendly's, but I wasn't overly creative – vanilla ice cream, chocolate sauce, whipped cream, and extra cherries.

I guess, in those days, the closest thing to "creative" ice cream was spumoni which was an odd combination – layers of cherry, pistachio, and either vanilla or chocolate ice cream with what, at the time, I thought were "mystery items" but only years later did I learn were dried fruit and nuts. Regardless, it was one of my favorites, although my mom rarely bought it, and I think it may have been because I was the only one in my family who liked it.

Anyway, I may not remember when truly "creative" ice cream flavors appeared in my life, but I'll never forget the first time I went to Ben & Jerry's in Burlington, Vermont. Back then, they only had that one location, but we always made sure to stop there (often more than once) on our frequent trips to Vermont. Many years later, when I visited their factory in Waterbury, Vermont, they were no longer a local secret and were known for making some of the most creative and delicious ice-cream combinations. Ever. (For the record, my favorite's the very popular and very yummy Cherry Garcia, which has a fascinating backstory.)

Regardless, I couldn't help but wonder what my sister, the self-proclaimed "selfish and shallow" size 2, who rarely eats sweets, would have to say about ice cream "creativity" …

I know very little about "creative" ice cream flavors, as on the rare occasion I eat ice cream, I prefer traditional flavors. Although, as a kid, I loved ice cream sandwiches, which I guess required creativity to invent. However, I do know that when Ben & Jerry's needed to raise cash to build a manufacturing plant, they wanted to find a way to share their success with Vermonters and discovered a little-known clause that allowed them to establish a Vermont-only public stock offering. Now that is creative ice cream (making).

Since today’s Christmas and Chanukah starts tonight, we want to wish you Happy Christmukkah (yes, it’s a real thing)! And we’re rerunning this Christmas story from Black’s childhood – not only because it’s one of Red’s favorites, but because believing in Santa can happen to anyone, even Black …

BLACK: I do not know at what age my Christmas memories began, but I do remember being very young and in awe of a very large – and very well decorated – Christmas tree in our family room. I even remember peeking down the stairs late one evening and seeing my mother standing extremely close to Santa Claus. OK, you might not find that an unusual memory, except my family is Jewish.

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Photo by klohka on iStock

Although Red isn’t cooking this Thanksgiving and will be reading “The Godfather” instead of watching it on TV, some traditions remain unchanged. Like reminiscing about the perfect, albeit naked, turkey! And rerunning Black’s Thanksgiving post from 2020.

It instantly became a favorite of Red’s and provides the perfect opportunity for her to wish you a very Happy Turkey Day …

Today is Thanksgiving, and I cannot help but wonder why we are online. However, everyone has their own way of celebrating. I know that Red is in the kitchen cooking – and watching a marathon of "The Godfather" movies. Which is perfect as turkeys take such a long time to cook and patience is important when you want it perfectly browned. So inviting, so appetizing, so … naked?

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Photo by Aneese on iStock

You may have to wait until the end of the month to celebrate Halloween, but the entire month of October is Bat Appreciation Month. So, Red can’t help but reminisce about when her oldest daughter, Natasha, first fell in love with bats. And Black? She can’t help but think of her first tattoo?!

Red's Head

Thanks for sending me Natasha's Austin-inspired business plan. But while I know that's her future, I can't help but think about the first time I took her to Austin.

Black's HeadBlack

All I remember is that it was love at first sight.

Red's Head

It was on our way home from taking Sawyer to camp, and I told her we were making a slight "detour". She was so excited when I pulled up to the hotel as she's always loved hotels. But that night, as we walked onto Congress Avenue Bridge and saw the thousands and thousands of bats fly out into the sunset, she was mesmerized and "in love".
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