Words & Banter

RED & BLACK … Is It Hug Or Ugh?

Design by Sawyer Pennington, Underlying photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

So, I had to smile when Sawyer came to visit us at Mom’s estate sale. And even though I had seen her only a few hours before, I gave her a hug.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Yes, you make it rather obvious that you are warm and fuzzy. And, a hugger.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

But what made me laugh was when she greeted you by acknowledging that you weren’t a hugger. Now there’s an understatement.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

No, it is merely a fact.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I never realized, though, just how much both Natasha and Sawyer are like you. Although they begrudgingly let me hug them, they’d both be just as happy with a handshake. If that.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Maybe a fist bump?

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

The good news is that I don’t take it personally, although I’d be lying if I didn’t say I wish they were huggers. Regardless, it reminds me of how we used to greet people at business meetings in the “good ole days” when we actually had in-person meetings. If it was people we’d worked with before, I’d be giving everyone hello hugs while you’d be standing there, with your body language “screaming” … “Can we just get straight to business?”

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Body language can be so efficient. But, it is a business meeting.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

But you’re the same way even at family dinners and social events. And on the rare occasion that you do give someone a hug, I always think the recipient should remember it because it’s a really big deal. And sometimes, I even point that out.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Which usually makes me roll my eyes.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Hey, I’m just trying to warn them not to get used to it, or even expect it again, so they appreciate it.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

My eye-rolling is not about you; it is about the person wanting to hug me. Especially when they know me, because they must know that hugging is not something I would ever initiate.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

To be honest, I don’t think people think about it. It’s just a warm and welcoming gesture.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

You are right about the thinking part. After all, if someone knows I do not like to hug, but still wants to hug me, that seems rather selfish.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I think that’s a bit of an overstatement. If you said to them, “Please do not hug me,” and they chose to ignore you, that might be considered selfish. Not to mention, risky.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Sounds like a personal problem. If they are that insistent on hugging me, then it seems to me that they need the hug.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, if you ask me, the whole topic of hugging has gotten way too complicated. Especially since the pandemic. But I can still remember watching one of Sawyer’s volleyball coaches starting to give her a hug and then stopping.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Did he suddenly remember that she is not much of a hugger?

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

No, it was because it was the beginning of the #MeToo era, and he was being mindful (my word, not his) that his players were teenage girls. And although he knew Sawyer, and me, very well, I guess he thought it was better to err on the safe side.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

The world has changed. But, it does make things more complicated for huggers.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Sawyer may not be a hugger, but she does make concessions to hugging much easier than you or Natasha, who obviously hate it and would probably outlaw it if possible.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Now you are the one making the overstatement. I do not hate the concept of hugs. And, there is science behind the importance of hugs, including how they can relieve stress.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I was just waiting for your non-emotional perspective on hugs.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

And, I respect what they should represent – affection, concern, love, appreciation, or just the joy of seeing someone. For some people, it is easier than words.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

That’s an interesting perspective. And makes me think about how you sometimes will end an email by writing, “With an electronic hug.” It surprised me the first time I saw it, although I immediately liked it. So much so that I now often use it myself.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I know. I should charge you a royalty fee.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Cute. But how did you come up with that phrase anyway?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I know that emails can be very impersonal, and as much as I love bullet points and keeping things very factual, sometimes the recipient needs something more. An “electronic hug” seemed to be a good compromise.

Red assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, I love it. As ironic as it is coming from someone who hates to give an actual, in-person, up close and personal, hug.

Black assets.rebelmouse.io

Actually, I sometimes do give hugs to people I think genuinely need it. I just hate getting them.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

You didn’t seem to mind the night before Sawyer left for college, and she got out of the car when we were dropping you off to give you a goodbye hug.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

I think I was in shock.

Red assets.rebelmouse.io

Well, I know I was …

Want to read other columns? Here's a list.

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red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

It’s January, and everyone’s probably tired of reading about New Year’s resolutions.

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

Not me. Since I never make them, I never feel the need to read about them.

red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

Of course, you don’t. So, what should we write about?

Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io

How about that we celebrate some of our favorite things in January?

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Answer: Red’s favorites are Bagels, Popcorn, and Hugging. Black’s are Clean Desk, Bagels, and Backward.

Wishing you a year to thrive – Happy 2025!

Photo courtesy of Red’s eldest daughter, Natasha

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red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

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Black's HeadBlack assets.rebelmouse.io


red headred head assets.rebelmouse.io

I should’ve guessed that you’d take the question literally. Could you expand on that a little, or at least give me a hint?
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