Banter Bites

What Does It Take To Win At Scrabble?

So, how many points for the word "scrabble"?

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: One of the world's most famous, popular, and beloved board games is Scrabble, but for anyone that knows Red & Black, they might be surprised by a few things …

Or, maybe it's just one thing. You see, Red, the straight-A student who loves to read and has been known on more than one occasion to use, as the expression goes, a 50-cent word when a 5-cent word will do, has never, repeat never, played Scrabble. It's not that she's not familiar with the game, as she has both an adult and a children's version in her game closet. But she has never played Scrabble.

Black was shocked by this admission and wondered how this could be true. Could Red have witnessed Black's competitive playing (she's had boyfriends refuse to play Scrabble with her after experiencing how competitive she gets) and decided to avoid the conflict? So, Black took a more "educational" route,

You are almost 60 years old – how can you not have ever played Scrabble? Well, I think it is time. On the surface, Scrabble may seem like a game of luck, but it is actually about skills. Obviously, it requires vocabulary and spelling skills, but it also requires math and strategic thinking. Along the way, you develop an understanding of spatial relations and probability. As a mom, I bet you have been fine-tuning many of these skills for years.

Well, Red may not be as competitive as Black, but she was certainly intrigued, so began by finding the official Scrabble website (and was surprised that Black hadn't mentioned Hasbro now owned it) and initially was overwhelmed as it offered more than she'd ever need – or want – to know. But once she found the rules, Red calmed down as the premise is simple – score points by placing tiles, each with a single letter and point value, to form words using a crossword puzzle layout.

But now, Red regretted that she hadn't pulled out those versions collecting dust in the closet when her daughters were growing up, as she learned that Scrabble could be played in teams (although she's not sure she'd want to play against Black). It would have been such a great opportunity for them to teach and learn from each other. And have fun! So, she decided,

Over the years, there have been many games of Monopoly played, argued over, and champions declared. Scrabble would have been a great addition, but I can't change the past. However, I think a good way to celebrate National Scrabble Day is to teach an old dog new tricks … and that would be me. I'm finally going to learn to play Scrabble!

P.S. – How many points for the word "scrabble"? It was a trick question! It depends on where on the board it is, how it's connected, and whether you used any blanks.

When the news is challenging or life’s stressful, there’s something comforting about Girl Scout cookies. Always has been, which is why we’re rerunning this post from several years ago.

Girl Scouts, though, are about so much more than cookies, as year-round girls learn important life skills, gain confidence, and discover leadership skills. But buying cookies is such a sweet way (sorry, we couldn’t resist) to support the organization. Red’s favorite is the classic shortbread (now known as Trefoils), and Black buys a large assortment and gives them all away.

But hurry! Cookie season ends on March 23.

P.S. - If S’mores and Toast-Yay! are your favorites … make sure you stock up as this is the last year they’ll be available.

Let's play word association. If we say, "Girl Scouts," what's the first word that comes to mind? Ok, what's the second word?

BANTER BITE BACKSTORY: When Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low organized the first Girl Scout meeting – hoping to create an organization that redefined what was possible for girls everywhere – there was no way for her to know the difference it would make in the lives of millions of girls and their communities.

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